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hotel upselling tool

Boost revenue with hotel upselling tool

Intelligently offers add-ons & amenities to guests from the time of booking through checkout. Automate your upselling with Guestara & increase upsells by up to 200%.

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Guestara is loved by teams across the globe!

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Don't rely on front desk staff. Take control in your hands.

As a hotel manager or owner, you likely train your staff to spot upselling opportunities while juggling multiple tasks. With Guetstara's hotel upselling software, you can automate this process. Our platform tracks which upsell offers are most popular with your guests, the services they are most likely to choose, and your hotel's best-selling F&B products.
Know how Guestara automates and optimizes your hotel upselling

Loved by hoteliers across the globe

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Our All Feature

Serve up the perfect add-on at the right time

Elevate your revenue game with Guestara's personalised upsell tool. Whether it's room upgrades, early check-ins or F&B, Guestara makes it easy for guests to purchase upsells anytime from their own mobile device. No app downloads needed!

Pre-arrival upselling

Connect with guests the minute they book & offers a wide range of personalised upselling options based on their preference.

Let your guests create the exact experience suitable to their needs. Guests can choose to upgrade their room, add amenities like breakfast, or spa, customize their room based & much more.

pre-arrival hotel upselling

In-stay hotel upselling

Continue to provide tailored upsells that aim to enhance guests’ stay. Guestara AI understands what each guest is looking for & offers them the best options to fulfil their needs.

From guests traveling with family might want a guided tour or activity, while guests traveling for a honeymoon might want a spa package, or concierge services for a romantic dinner.

in-stay hotel upselling

Save time with automation

Our easy to use work flow simplifies tracking guest requests for your staff. They can simply accept, reject, or schedule requests and monitor their status, whether the request is in process, late, or completed.

Guestara AI analyze guest data & recommend personalized & automated upsells, upgrades & services that streamline operations and maximize efficiency.

hotel upselling automation

Unlimited upsell oppotunity

Increase sales & improve guest experience with bestsellers, including room upgrades, early check-in, late checkout, F&B items, parking, pet fees & more. Guestara provides a range of customizable upsell items for flexible selling.

You pocket 100% of the upsell revenue you drive—Guestara never takes a cut. With our simple setup process & integrations with popular PMS systems, you can start upselling and earning in no time.

unlimited hotel upselling

Product suite

Powerful alone, even better together.

Each product in the platform is connected to the same underlying database. Although our products are powerful on their own, the real magic happens when you use them together.

hotel guest engagement automation

Reach your guest at scale with easy-to-use guest messaging

Easily communicate with guests on their preferred method. Save your team valuable time by leveraging automated responses powered by AI.

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Enhance the efficiency of your front desk staff

Let your guests enjoy their vacation right away with contactless check-in & mobile checkout, while leaving your staff the efficient time to focus on providing an outstanding hospitality experience

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Boost online positive rating & reviews

Boost your hotel rankings to drive more bookings & higher ADRs. Turn happy stays into positive guest feedbacks on review sites like Google, Tripadvisor & more. Increase reviews by up to 300%, with growth in four & five-star ratings.

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Solutions for every business

Growing a hospitality business isn’t easy, but we’ve got your back. Explore how Guestara’s integrated software and solutions can help you manage guest operations with ease.


Guestara’s guest management platform helps hoteliers offer a personalized  experience for guests throughout their entire journey - from booking to check-out.

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Vacation Rentals

Guestara helps vacation rentals provide a better guest experience while creating new revenue streams & optimizing current ones with easy-to-use platform.

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Guestara easy-to-use platform helps resort owners to provide a better guest experience, improve reputation & introduce innovative technology to stay above the competition.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is upselling in hotel?

Hotel upselling is a process of promoting hotel ancillary services, where hotels offer their guests additional benefits like room upgrades, breakfast/dinner buffets, and pickup and drop-off services. Hotel upselling is a way to generate additional revenue.

Benefits of Guestara's AI Hotel Upselling Software

AI Hotel Upselling Software will analyze your past data and tell you which ancillary services guests will pick at which stage of the guest journey, and it will also help you personalize your upselling offers for a higher conversion rate. 

How can you manage guest requests?

With Guestara's dashboard, you can manage all the guest requests in one place. You can accept, reject, and check the status of guest requests. 

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